Information about what students can expect in our courses

What does a thematic self-guided walk mean?

With over 30 years of walking experience, we designed our courses to be immersive journeys you complete at your own pace. You get to design the walks, guided by digital resources to aid your research and appreciation of your town, city, or place. Through carefully curated downloadable resources, our courses encourage the exploration of specific themes related to history, culture, art, literature, or science within the context of a walking route. They transform ordinary meanders into rich personal experiences, allowing you to connect with your surroundings meaningfully and enjoy exercise.

How do the achievable goals in a course translate into practice?

Our courses are enriched with instructional videos, films, readings, and various learning aides for daily or weekly achievable goals. These resources provide students with a structured, engaging pathway through the content. Daily goals might include watching the introductory video, reading an article, or watching a film, and applying it to the walk. Weekly goals expand on this by aiming to complete a broader spectrum of materials on a specific theme. This approach breaks down course content into digestible chunks and facilitates practical application while still being customizable. We all have different and varied schedules. This system offers a sense of progress and accomplishment, keeping students engaged with the material as each chapter in the course unfolds. 

Which course is the best beginner’s course?

All our courses are accessible to anyone able to walk for twenty minutes or more. If anyone is struggling to choose, we recommend a beginner’s course like The Unheard City: Silent Urban Spaces. For more detailed information about what to expect, including the course's content, schedule, and how to prepare, prospective learners are encouraged to visit the "Read More" tab available under each course listing. In a beginner’s course, you’ll find a moderate-level walk, a workout that you can tailor to suit your needs. This course is designed with beginners in mind, it combines the intrigue of urban exploration with the benefits of physical activity, providing a unique opportunity to learn about the less observed aspects of city life while engaging taking a moderate walk.

What does each course on this website include?

Each course has an array of learning aids that students can download and keep. The course chapters begin with an introductory video that guides and discusses what to expect in each chapter. A bibliography with exciting books related to the theme is listed with a summary of each book. A filmography related to the theme is listed with descriptions of each film. Both of these lists are available online; some are paid, and others are free. In addition, there are guides with specific information about certain aspects related to the course, like collage, frottage, photography, etc.

Do you hand out a certificate upon completion of a course?

At Dusty Drifters, we believe the journey toward health and fitness transcends the mere accumulation of metrics. It's fundamentally about personal development and growth. As such, in alignment with our philosophy, we currently do not issue certificates upon completing our courses.

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